Introducing the first golden dorado tagged at Pira Lodge!

>Introducing the first golden dorado tagged at Pira Lodge! The project is taking place in conjunction with National Park Rangers, who are using GPS technology to track fish as they move in and out of the marshlands. Back at the lodge, our guide team records additional details about timing, place, and fish size to help complete the picture. This bright 6 pounder is one of 236 golden dorado released so far this season—of which 27 weighed between 10 and 16 pounds.

40th Anniversary Kau Tapen Lodge

We rarely look backwards as we continue to grow and develop exciting sporting properties at The Kautapen Group, but for a momen..


Mayazul Lodge – Meet our team!

We are pleased to introduce our dedicated team of seasoned guides, where expertise meets passion. With deep knowledge of the As..