Pirá Lodge – Start of the season, 2020

The start of our 2020 season has kicked off with great water conditions, both in terms of water level and temperature. All of the channels are in great fishing shape, allowing the dorado to take full advantage and spread out in the marsh. The water temperature is at the perfect level for dorado to get active and aggressively feed. 

Throughout the Ibera Marsh and the main river, we’ve seen an amazing population of dorado move in. In the upstream reaches of the marsh our resident dorado with their classic dark colors and picture-perfect shape, have been active, happily taking streamers and mouse patterns. 

During the off-season, our guides explored new sections of the marsh and struck gold! Finding some large resident dorado who have never seen a fly. 

Our anglers had phenomenal success fishing streamers on floating and sinking lines, along with several beautiful fish taken on skated mouse flies. Mouse flies usually elicit one of two reactions from Dorado, either they explode from the surface on the take, or they will sip the mouse like a trout slowly taking it below the surface. One guest, Sean M., experienced the latter, with a take so delicate he and his guide had no idea he had a 12-pound dorado on the line until they landed the fish. Another beautiful 15-pound fish was caught by Lech O, using a sinking line to swing streamers in the headwaters of the Corriente River.  

The season is off to a great start with consistent fish action throughout our opening days.

 Aside from the fishing action, the natural wonder of the Ibera Marsh is in full bloom. Capybaras and caiman line the channel banks. We’ve spotted Marsh Deer in some places, and hundreds of birds species are singing and chattering in the trees and reeds. The water is gin clear, offering a wonderful view of the marsh’s beautiful subsurface vegetation and fish species. 

José Caparrós. Pirá Lodge Head Guide.


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