Suindá Lodge – January 2020

January’s fishing on our section of Parana River has been highly productive, mainly due to the stable river conditions we have been enjoying. Dorado have been landed throughout our section’s diverse structures. 

Our biggest fish of the month were fooled when fishing over the rock gardens and rocky banks. We’ve been using various lines and fly combinations to get the fly down into the proper zone where the monsters are holding. 

Fishing around the deadfall and submerged logs has been quite random, with some holding multiple fish and others seemingly vacant. The determining factor seems to be dependent on the water level and baitfish surrounding the logs. When baitfish were around, so were the dorado. 

Our sandbars have been quite productive recently and provide the most exciting sight fishing opportunities available on the Parana. Sometimes we’ve found Dorado cruising in the shallows looking for easy prey, and other times, we see them attacking schools of baitfish in feeding frenzies. Precise and quick casts are required in these situations and are rewarded handsomely with big golden prizes. 

Our Pira-Pita and Pacu have become more active as the season progresses and fruit beginning to fall from the overhanging trees into the water below. Some very fine specimens were fooled this month and we look forward to the action improving in the coming weeks as more trees begin to fruit. 

Largest Dorados landed: 31 pounds, 30 pounds, and several in the range of 20-28 pounds.

Largest Pacu landed: 12.5 pounds.

Fabian Anastasio. Suindá Lodge Head Guide

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