Fly Fishing

Pira Pitá Fly Patterns

At Alto Parana lodge, anglers target resident Pira Pitá with lighter tackle than what is typically used for dorado. We recommend 6 weight rods for presenting assorted dry flies. Patterns might represent from bugs o small fruits that fall from local trees and even flowers. It is important to choose hooks that are strong and …


Dorado Fly Patterns

In most cases, golden dorado prefer dark patterns that produce great silhouettes in tannin-colored waters. But there are situations when carrying a mixture of brighter colors can be effective. So don’t be afraid to experiment across the color spectrum. All flies should be tied on stout 1/0 to 3/0 hooks. Streamers can be tied from …


Kau tapen Lodge: January 16 – 23, 2016

Fishing con Chicas Anglers the world over have heard again and again the conundrum as to why female anglers catch bigger fish, many hypothesis have been developed ( mainly by the dominant practitioners of the sport – Men), pheromones, shorter casts, delicate presentation, luck etc etc. Having witnessed this weeks fishing I would propose a …