Villa Maria Week 10: March 6 – 12, 2020

Our last week of the season has just wrapped up. This week’s weather remained warm and dry throughout this week with some mild upstream wind during the first couple of days which always makes casting a little uncomfortable and makes properly placing a fly, a bit more challenging. After those first few days, the wind returned to the usual bearing and all went back to normal. 

Jean-Daniel and Ema had a cracking morning when we visited the famous Herradura pool (Horse Shoe). After checking the conditions and agreeing upon our tactics, we split along the pool. Jean jumped in the top of the pool and within a few minutes, he was into a beautiful 16 lb hen. He kept it up for the full session, hooking 6 fish and landing 4 of them, all within the 10-to-18 lb range. In the meantime, Ema has focused on the lower part of the pool where she hooked 3 fresh fish as well!

Richard and Patrick joined us for their first visit to our lodge. During their first few sessions, they were getting used to the techniques and learning the tricks that come with any visit to a new piece of water. After a couple of days, and lots of effort, patience, and struggle, Richard connected – landing back-to-back 20-pound sea trout followed by another stunning 19-pounder. 

Peter and George were back again this week and were constantly reminiscing about the phenomenal fishing they experienced during their last visit on the high bank at Primera Vez pool. I cautioned them about how different the conditions were from their last visit during which the river was flooded. As I was trying to keep expectations low, Peter proved me wrong, as he did 3 years ago, landing a 21, and a 16 pound fish on a single-handed rod! Kudos Peter!

Tackle wise, all things remained the same as the previous weeks’. We decided to choose heavy tips like T-17 or sinking 8 VersiTips to keep the fly at a good depth for as long as possible. Our fly choices were very eclectic and varied from pool-to-pool and on what the fish were interested in hitting. I can safely say that once again, leeches were the most productive flies of the week. But there were many that delivered fantastic fish like the beautiful male trout that Patrick landed at the top of Teresa pool, using a Green Machine. That fish tipped the scales at just shy of 20 lbs. That fish made the trip all the way from New Caledonia well worth it for Patrick. Congrats, Patrick your patience paid off!

Alejandro Martello – Villa Maria Lodge Head Guide

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